tacoma florist, tacoma flowers, tacoma flower delivery, tacoma flower shop


Blissful Bouquet

Alstroemeria, carnations, delphinium, roses and iris delivered in a striking clear glass vase.
Approx. 15” W x 15” H

Price:  $94.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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  As Shown $94.99
  Deluxe $104.99
  Premium $114.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

I have placed orders for 3 flower deliveries in the last month. Each person receiving the flowers has raved out the quality of the flowers they received! You have now become my exclusive florist - and I am recommending you to all of my friends and family. I wish I would have found you sooner! Thank you!

Dear Flowerpetal.com Customer Service Team, I want to thank you so much for your quick response to my email concern. Ialso want to thank you for the credit for my order and the understanding. The response on your part does ensure my future consideration of your products. Thanks. Sincerely,

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We deliver thoughout the Tacoma area, including Lakewood, Spanaway, Yealm, Ranier, Buckleys, Merritt Heights, University Place, Parkland, Browns Point, Dash Point View, Coulter's Addition, Loma Vista, Gravelly Lake Area, Nixon Lake Tract, Madera, Sunset Beach, Fircrest, Norwood Estate, Heron Glen, Berskhire, West Cliffe, Nyanza Park, Westhamptons, Irrawaddy Park, Perkins Lofts, Bay Breeze, Olympic Heights, Mount Narrow, Century House, Hawthorn Hill, Westpoint, Point Defiance, Parkland, Chestnut Hills, Allenmore East, Hope Park, Harbor Ridge Estates, Pinnacle Point, Woodlake, Twinhills, Chambers Vista, The Bridge, Ainsworth, Regence Park, Point Woodworth, Beckonridge, Windance, Pacific Tower, Golden Given Estates, Eric's Court, Narrows Bridge, Lasander View Estates, Prestige Park, Creekside Oaks, Goldmont, Magnolia Estates, Windsong, Kingston Place, Garrett's Addition, Saddle Creek, Thea's Landing, Pemberton Creek, North Shore Country Club, Meade & Stantons, The Peak, Roman Ridge, Tusany, Radiance, O'Briens, Rolling Hills, Weller Estate, Cascade Park, Old Town, North 29th & Carr, Gateway Park, North Slope, Celebration Park, Fern Hill, Blueberry Park, South 56th Street, South 66th Street, South Tacoma Historical District, New Tacoma, North End, South End, West End